Selected Clips

Welcome! Check out some of Addie's selected clips below or click on the sidebar to view even more of her published pieces:

How to Boost Creativity and Positivity When You're Stuck at Home All Day

When all my classes moved online this semester, I was struck with relief. I rejoiced at the idea of forgoing a lengthy daily schedule of commuting to campus by train, sitting in stuffy classrooms, and camping out at the campus library until I finished my assignments. It was only a week later, during a newly-online Korean lesson, that I noticed a common trend in the answers I gave in our warm-up exercises:

The coronavirus pandemic is changing the way people celebrate major events and holidays—here's how they're adapting

Fred "Jackson" Brown's fifth birthday party was going to be a big event this year, with family members traveling from Texas, North Carolina and other locations to attend the affair in Fredericksburg, Virginia. But as Jackson's April 2 birthday approached, his parents, Fred and Elizabeth Brown, began to realize that due to the coronavirus pandemic, they wouldn't be able to host the event in person.

How to Go Abroad and Add to Your Resume/CV… At the Same Time

It’s a common misconception that traveling is a distraction from the degree or career you’re pursuing… Here are some travel ideas that challenge that notion: Volunteering abroad lets you give back while exploring other areas of the world. You can pick up new skills, make a difference in various causes and fully immerse yourself in another culture. Read more about volunteer opportunities here!